20 July 2013

The shorter the better.

When we think of films and the beginning of it all when referring to the work of the Lumière Brothers and Méliès, yes for different aspects regarding film making but essentially they introduced innovative elements. In relation to the “origin” of short films… well, briefly all films in the beginning were practically short and “imitated other entertainment media already in existence […]. So short was the norm”, (Dixon).
Probably it was also given by the fact that technology and equipment weren’t that advanced back then, however it began like that. Then the old tends to fade into darkness while the new shines in the spotlight; more feature length films were demanded.
Most shorts weren’t highly perceived and they began to fade with the coming of longer films, but this may be in the past as nowadays, also due to internet, making shorts is very popular and rewarding. Look at all the film festival which allow young people to stand out by producing shorts and even big film industry like Disney constantly make short films (watch the Paperman, adorable!).
Even ‘big names’ created shorter movies, some of which were then made into features, such as Tim Burton’s Vincent or Guillermo del Toro’s Geometria (another good director.. although weird, after watching Pan’s Labyrinth… ahahah).

But moreover… why even make a short? Tips from the BBC may enlighten us on this.
Firstly, the reason why you want to make any film is up to, there may be various and diverse reasons; me? It could be that mine is more sentimental. Love the work atmosphere, commitment and passion is what I use and I admit I’m kind off tired of books… I want to get my hands dirty! I don’t necessarily have to make my own film but only being part of the production of any sort of filmmaking activity makes me feel I’ve chosen the right path. Accounts or dissection? Mmmh, no.
Reading through the “BCC tips”, I realized that there approach is more technical, but appropriate (well, obviously). So we’re going to scan through what makes a good short, however by picking out the most relevant aspects, because in the end whether you make a short or feature, there are many elements that they both share and need. The introduction highlights my point of comparing short films with features but also states that most shorts are per se subjective (while feature length films are mainly to entertain the audience, does apply to most). Moving on, your first step is to come up with an original idea. Which we know, and the BBC suggests to watch other shorts in order to bare in mind what has been done already but you may want to recreate the same subject by using your own style. It’s got to be you. As we all know, a film without a good script won’t be as successful; this applies to any film you want to produce. With short films it may be a bit harder as you do not have as much ’story development’ as in a feature.
Even though you are producing a short, you should approach it as if it were a feature meaning that even if it is not a  Hollywood big budget [example] the quality of your film will need to stand out as much as your story.
The shorter the better! It is hard to keep a film short, maybe not for everyone (and if you have that gift I would be glad to work with you! No jokes!) but one thing I learned about writing a script (or even your film sometimes) is: CUT, CUT, CUT, CUT, CUT, REWRITE, REWRITE, REWRITE. Sometimes its painful ahah.

Best way to catch the audience’s attention is to have a strong beginning: “spark their interest in the story as quickly as you can”!
I should actually follow this myself but luckily I’ve taken part in some short productions and even though it was for a day or two, loved every bit of it! Working with a great team, getting an insight to what this may lead to and building up experience whatever it takes.
The thing is to start! Do anything but just do it, even find friends or class mates willing to take part and help.
Hopefully, this may be useful information for you all and watch as many short films as you can; now it’s so easy, you just need to click on Youtube or even MTV (music videos are great examples inspirations too!).

Good Luck!



Video Links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAI4B_2Mfc    - Paperman
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJCzHk0Jes      - Numb

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